
 Business Professional

 Courses and

 and Clients

 Arlene Cohen's



 Phone: 416-463-6550

























































































Arlene Cohen Presenting

for the Business Professional
Created and facilitated by Arlene Cohen



Being able to deliver effective, powerful presentations is no longer an option. It is essential for success. Yet, few of us are ever trained for this important task.

Many of today's forward thinking companies understand that speaking in public is a skill just like golf or tennis. It can be learned by anyone.

The professional development dollars spent on improving presentation skills is money well invested. By specifying “Presenting for the Business Professional” as an essential requirement for every key member of your staff, your company is well on the way to greater success.

This course teaches fundamental, intermediate and advanced skills to speak confidently before a group –  any group, anytime, anywhere – around the boardroom table or in front of a packed auditorium.

The approach involves non threatening, easy to master techniques that take the fear out of public speaking, instill self-confidence and increase oral communication skills.

Sessions are conducted privately, one-on-one, in the Presenting studio located in east downtown Toronto, a half block from TTC, car parking available.

Scheduling is flexible and may be adjusted from session to session to best accommodate individual needs.

PRESENTING Primary Objectives

• Turn feelings of fear and anxiety of speaking in public into confidence and anticipation via specific Relaxation and Sense Memory exercises. 

• Improve effectiveness and memorability of presentations via Breath Control, Voice Work, Microphone Techniques, Facial Expression and Body Language.

• Improve believability and develop consensus building skills for all presentations (meetings, Q&A sessions, workshops) via Improvisation and Lateral Thinking exercises.

• Improve presentation content and materials with professional consultation and writing tips.

• Learn self directed presentation techniques for continuous improvement.

PRESENTING Key Areas of Focus






PRESENTING Goals of Key Exercises

RELAXATION – Relaxation is the foundation upon which all great presenters stand. The goal of relaxation is to enable you to recognize and eliminate tension, a presenter's greatest enemy. Or as Actor's Studio founder Lee Strasberg called it, the “occupational disease” of all performers because tension blocks emotion, passion, commitment, truth and vibrancy, ruining any chance of success.

Excellent presenters must learn how to relax sitting in a chair. After all, one usually cannot lie down or do meditation 10 minutes before going up to the podium. With practice, unwanted tension in the muscles of the body, including the neck (the final resting place of hidden tension) and the face (where mental tension manifests itself) can be identified and released instantly through act of will, thereby unlocking real emotion. The result is a presenter the audience BELIEVES and RESPECTS.

The caveat: Humans don't seem to like concentrating for extended periods of time. But the presenter, just as the actor, painter, musician or golf pro, must find a way to practice the more mundane elements of the art in ways that are stimulating, exciting and fun. That is what we will be doing here.

SENSE MEMORY EXERCISES – Involving all five senses (touch, taste, smell, sound, sight) the goal of Sense Memory work is to improve one's ability to focus solely on the task at hand, develop and strengthen the powers of concentration required to successfully maintain the desired level of energy throughout the presentation, maintain eye contact with the audience, practice proper breathing, develop natural voice projection, and improve body language. It also is designed to get you out of your own head for a while and into pure, unpredictable expression.

VOICE EXPRESSION AND VOICE “SHAPING” EXERCISES – It is no secret that powerful communication rides on emotion and delivery – how you say something is often more important than what you say. Plus, if the voice doesn't match the emotion, the message is not received or understood by the audience as being important. The goal of Voice Expression is to teach the presenter how to control the tone of voice by focusing on the emotion(s) you wish to convey. Exercises include learning how to effectively and comfortably use a microphone to maximize the impact of the communication.

CLARITY AND CONCISENESS are extremely important. Pronouncing words incorrectly may make a presenter sound uneducated; speaking too quickly or with a thick accent can cause the audience to work too hard to understand the communication, thereby tuning out. Voice Shaping eliminates these problems and heightens audience retention and memorability.

BODY LANGUAGE AND FACIAL EXPRESSION – Feeling comfortable in one's own skin is difficult at the best of times let alone standing on stage in front of an audience. The goal of Body Language and Facial Expression exercises is to help you feel 100% confident and at ease at all times during the presentation and to master the dynamics of movement for more powerful results.

LATERAL THINKING EXERCISES AND IMPROVS – Specifically designed for business people, these exercises will enable you to think on your feet without getting rattled, overcome stage fright and improve facial expression and body language. Practicing over time will also enable you to develop the skills and confidence to speak extemporaneously anytime, anywhere.

Assessment and Monitoring Success

As these new techniques are practiced over time, they become a part of the individual and will be utilized in every professional situation encountered where excellent oral communication is required. The best feedback will come from superiors and colleagues, as well as in the form of job performance reviews, promotions and increased presentation schedules. Progress will be reviewed and monitored on a regular basis and the areas of focus will be altered as required.

On-going coaching is available and encouraged after completion of “PRESENTING”.

Sample Sessions

Session #1: The Physical Demands of Presenting -  Intro to Proper Breathing, Skilled Relaxation and De-Bracing, Vocal Warm Up + SECRET WEAPON


Session #2: Building on a Solid Foundation -  Breath Control, Voice Shaping, Articulation Part 1.     


Session #3:  Tuning the InstrumentAdding some bounce to your voice! Articulation Parts 2 & 3, What to do with your vowels and consonants and hands!Expression, Delivery.


Session #4: Adding New Dimensions and Exciting Dynamics - Stage Presence, Body Language, Relaxing on your feet or sitting in your seat.


Session #5:  Walking the Talk and The Power of Words - How to properly Prepare and Rehearse for any presentation, meeting, interview, Q&A. Tips on how to improve vocabulary to create and deliver more powerful, memorable content.


Schedule and Fees

Sessions are 2 hours each and spaced a week or so apart. Scheduling is flexible.


Fees quoted via email. Fee includes all course materials, plus Tips and Refreshers CD/mp3.

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